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Author Guidelines

Requirements for authors submitting a scientific article to the journal "Preventive and Clinical Medicine."

Payment for submission/editorial processing/publication of articles

Authors of the journal "Clinical and Preventive Medicine" are not required to pay for submission, editorial processing, and publication of articles. The journal "Clinical and Preventive Medicine" supports open access to all articles immediately after publication.

1. Manuscript

1.1. Text Format. Please submit electronic texts in MS Word format (with the file extension .doc or .docx). The font should be Times New Roman, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing, and a 2.5 cm margin on all sides of the text. Use bold font to emphasize section headings. Remove all extra spaces and line breaks (automatically using the Microsoft Word "Find and Replace" function).

1.2. Article Length, including the bibliography, tables, illustrations, graphics, should average around 10 pages in A4 format (up to 5000 words) and may vary depending on the type of article.

1.3. Language of Publication. Manuscripts in English are prioritized for publication (Ukrainian-language articles may be submitted for peer review and should have scientific novelty and practical value) from any country. Abstracts are published in both Ukrainian and English. Authors may choose to submit the full text of the article in both Ukrainian and English if desired. Poor-quality English will not be edited or published.

1.4. Manuscript Submission. Articles submitted for consideration should NOT have been previously published or submitted to other publications. Supplementary documents and copies of images (figures, graphics, diagrams) should be submitted as separate files in the formats in which they were created. *JPG or *TIF is the preferred format for photographs or pixel-based images, included in the same document as the manuscript. Please send copies of these images in their original size with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The size of figures in centimeters should ensure the clarity and legibility of the text. The total number of tables and figures should NOT exceed 4.

2. Manuscript Sections

   Below are the general sections of manuscripts:

  • Title Page:

  - UDC Index (on the left);

  - Title of the article (in the language of the article);

  - Author (authors) - First name, followed by the initial of the patronymic name and the last name (e.g., Ivan. I. Ivanov);

  - Name of the institution, higher education institution, city, country;

  • ABSTRACT/РЕЗЮМЕ: (should be between 1800 and 2500 characters, including spaces, and excluding keywords)

  - Objective (THE AIM);




  - KEYWORDS: 3-5 according to Index Medicus. Keywords should not duplicate the title of the article.


  - Introduction;

  - Objective (The aim);

  - Materials and Methods;

  - Results;

  - Discussion ;

  - Conclusions ;

  - References.


  1. Conflict of Interest. A declaration of conflict of interest is mandatory. A conflict of interest exists (financial relationships, employment, or work in institutions with financial or political interests in the published materials, official duties, etc.) when any situation may affect the author of the manuscript and lead to data concealment, bias, or the influence of data interpretation.
  2. Author Contributions to Article Preparation.
  3. Author Information (academic degree, institution, country).
  4. Correspondence Information (telephone, email).

Plagiarism and Secondary Publications. Copying text and appropriating research results that do not belong to the authors of the submitted manuscript is unacceptable. The editorial board reserves the right to check submitted manuscripts for plagiarism.

The manuscript should be edited and proofread by the author. Before submitting the manuscript, please ensure that you have followed all recommendations.

3. Scientific Significance

In the "Materials and Methods" section, the organization of the research (design) should be thoroughly described.

The description of the research in the "Materials and Methods" section should include the following details:

- Specify the research design, such as cross-sectional, longitudinal (prospective or retrospective), case-control, etc.

- Describe the inclusion and exclusion criteria for participants in the study.

- Indicate whether randomization was used and provide details about the methodology if applicable.

- Mention whether masking (blinding) was employed when using placebos or medications in clinical trials.

- Provide a detailed description of the equipment and diagnostic technologies used, including their key technical specifications and manufacturers.

- Include the names of commercial assay kits for hormonal and biochemical assays, along with the manufacturer and reference values for specific parameters.

- When using widely accepted research methods, provide appropriate references from the literature.

- Specify the precise international names of all drugs and chemical substances used, along with doses and administration methods (routes of administration).

In articles dedicated to original clinical research, it is essential to mention the presence of informed consent from patients for medical interventions. The research protocol should be approved by the local ethics committee.

An integral component of the "Materials and Methods" section is a detailed description of the data analysis procedure. It is mandatory to specify the significance level "α" adopted in the specific study (e.g., "a critical significance level of 0.05 was used for hypothesis testing"). When determining the critical significance level, the issue of multiple comparisons should be considered. In each specific case, the actual significance level "p" achieved for the used statistical test should be reported (not just "p<0.05" or "p>0.05"). Definitions of all used statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols should be provided, for example: M - sample mean; m (SEM) - standard error of the mean; SD - standard deviation; p - achieved level of statistical significance. When using expressions like "M±m," the values of each symbol and the sample size (n) should be specified. The precision of the mean can exceed that of the primary measure by no more than one decimal place (i.e., if the primary measure is reported to one decimal place, the mean value should be presented to no more than two decimal places). However, the standard error of the mean or standard deviation should be reported to one decimal place more than the mean. The name and version of the software packages and environments used for data analysis should be specified.

Additional materials necessary for a deeper understanding of the manuscript can be published as an electronic (online) supplement. Unlike the manuscript itself, which is published in printed form and posted on the journal's website, the electronic supplement is an independent option and is published online only. The electronic (online) supplement is also subject to peer review and should be submitted by the author(s) along with other materials related to the manuscript.

The electronic (online) supplement can include various elements such as text, tables, figures, graphics, diagrams, video files, and other supplementary materials.

In the printed version of the manuscript, it is required to include a QR code that allows readers to directly access the electronic (online) supplement for additional content.

When working on the manuscript, authors should adhere to the ethics of scholarly citation. In references, the primary source should be cited with the following information: title, publication, year, volume, issue, and page numbers.

All symbols and formulas mentioned in the article should be properly defined and explained. Measurements should be provided in SI units and Celsius scale. Abbreviations for individual words and terms should be avoided, except for commonly accepted abbreviations for units of measurement, physical, chemical, and mathematical quantities. Abbreviations should not be used in the title of the article. The full term, followed by the abbreviation, should precede the first use of the abbreviation in the text (unless it is a standard unit of measurement). Chemical elements should be denoted by their respective symbols. Simple inorganic compounds should be indicated using chemical formulas. Organic compound names can be replaced with formulas if they are shorter than the name and clearly illustrate their structure. Mixed abbreviations that include both Cyrillic letters and chemical element symbols in Latin transcription should be avoided. In such cases, the entire abbreviation should be written either in Latin letters or in Cyrillic without abbreviations. The manuscript text and abstract should not be overloaded with conditional abbreviations.

Formatting of References:

Two versions of the reference list should be provided in the case of referencing a source in Cyrillic. If the sources are in Latin script, formatting should follow the APA style exclusively.

The first version: The list of references should be placed immediately after the text and should be formatted according to the requirements of DSTU 8302:2015 "Bibliographic Reference. General Provisions and Rules for Compilation". All sources must be numbered. Only sources published primarily within the last 7 years should be included.

Examples of formatting:

Scheff S.W. Fundamental Statistical Principles for the Neurobiologist. A Survival Guide. Lexington: Academic Pres., 2016. 365 p.

Кірєєва У. В. Синдром емоційного вигорання як результат професійного стресу. К, 2013. С. 141-145.

Lazarus R. S., Folkman S. Transactional theory and research on emotions and coping. Eur. J. of Personality. 2009. Vol. 1. P. 141–169.

Andrikoula M., McDowell I. F. The contribution of ApoB and ApoA1 measurements to cardiovascular risk assessment. Diabetes, obesity & metabolism. 2008. Vol. 10(4). P. 271–278.

Gut Microbiota Dysbiosis and Increased Plasma LPS and TMAO Levels in Patients With Preeclampsia. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology / Wang J. et al. 2019. Vol. 9. P. 409.

The second version: References should follow the APA international standard, which duplicates the list of sources in the main list but is formatted according to the requirements of international bibliographic databases. Specifically, for all sources presented in the main list in Cyrillic, transliteration should be performed, and the title of the publication in which it is published should be translated into English. Additionally, if the cited literature contains five or more authors, this list should include all surnames without exception. If there are references to foreign publications in the list, they should be repeated in the list, but punctuation should be in accordance with the APA international standard.

Examples of formatting:

Vodopyanova, N. E. (2009). Sindrom vygoraniya: diagnostika i profilaktika [Syndrome of burning down : diagnostics and prophylaxis]. SPb., 336.

Kiryeyeva, U. V. (2013). Syndrom emotsiynoho vyhorannya yak rezul'tat profesiynoho stresu [A syndrome of the emotional burning down is as a result of professional stress]. Kiev, 141-145.

Lazarus, R. S., Folkman S. (2009). Transactional theory and research on emotions and coping. Eur. J. of Personality, 1, 141–169.

Michniewicz, E., Mlodawska, E., Lopatowska, P., Tomaszuk-Kazberuk, A., & Malyszko, J. (2018). Patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease - Double trouble. Advances in medical sciences, 63(1), 30–35.

The list of cited literature should be arranged alphabetically in the following order:

1) Scientific works printed in Cyrillic (first Ukrainian, then other languages).

2) Scientific works printed in Latin script.

In this sequence, sources in the literature list are numbered. Digital references in the article text must correspond to the respective numbers in the list of literature. The number of references in the list of literature should not exceed 20 for original articles and 50 for review articles. References to unpublished works are not allowed. Citations in the text should be indicated by the number(s) of the corresponding source(s) in square brackets, for example, [1, 4, 7].

In lectures, bibliographic references should be provided as needed and can be arranged in alphabetical order if required.

(Not less than one-third of the literary sources should be represented from the last 5 years and should not include sources from the aggressor country.)

Concluding Statements

Publication of materials in the journal is carried out under the condition of compliance with editorial requirements.

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